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Thematic index:
Care for the Aged (13)

Care for the Disabled (11)

Children's Services (14)

Counseling (13)

Human Welfare Studies and Services, n.e.c. (18)

Social Work (12)

Welfare Studies (23)

Youth Work (10)

AllThatStats Full Record
It is a collection of the most important statistical databases from international and national sources (OECD, Eurostat, UNIDO, IMF, German Statistical Office etc) from all over the world. It includes ...
American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies Full Record
Provides information on East-Central Europe, Russia, Soviet Union and the former Soviet republics, with a vast collection of indexed sources published in the United States, Canada and some European co...
Blackwell Synergy Full Record
Blackwell Synergy is the online journals service from Blackwell Publishing. It holds the full-text articles of over 850 journals, the majority of which are published by Blackwell on behalf of internat...
Cambridge Core Full Record
Cambridge Core is the new academic platform from Cambridge University Press, replacing previous platforms; Cambridge Journals Online (CJO), Cambridge Books Online (CBO), University Publishing Online (...
CareData Full Record
Social Care Online is the UK's most extensive database of social care information. With everything from research briefings, to reports, government documents, journal articles, and websites and you fin...
Census Full Record
Statistical database about Marketing and Business development, Economic development, Social Services and Public Policy. Full Record
It contains UNICEF’s statistical information, including data used in UNICEF’s flagship publications, The State of the World’s Children and Progress for Children. UNICEF maintains a series of gl...
Disability Full Record
The World Bank is working to improve the well-being of persons with disabilities living in developing countries. Through the Disability & Development (D&D) team, it seeks to promote knowledge generati...
DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals Full Record
The aim of the Directory of Open Access Journals is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals thereby promoting their increased usage and impact. ...
Electronic Journals & Newspapers on South Asia Full Record
Collection of electornic journals & Newspapers on South Asia created by the Columbia University Libraries.
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