The Library of the University of Macedonia of Economic and Social Sciences invites you to the Conference
e-Content: Design for All
to be held on Friday, 22 June 2001, 9.00 a.m.
at the University Teleconference Hall (1st floor).
The Conference is organised in the context of ACCELERATE,
a transnational pilot project,
co-funded by European Programme Leonardo Da Vinci

Conference Home 

Conference Program 


Hotel Info 

Brief Description of the ACCELERATE  Project 
Greek version
Yota Patragkou
Tel. 0030 31 891.833  
Fax 0030 31 857.794 
Anna Fragkou
Tel. 0030 31 891.753 
Fax 0030 31 857.794 
University Address 
University of Macedonia 
Economic and Social Sciences 
Egantia 156, P.O.Box 1591 
540 06 Thessaloniki 
Hellas (Greece) 

Conference Description
   Access to written text is a key factor for visually impaired people to have equal opportunities in education and knowledge. Until today transforming written documents into alternative formats ( ie. Braille, talking text/books) which can be accessed by blind or partially sighted people, was a very time consuming task, and couldn't cover efficiently the need for a direct, prompt and up-to-date information and knowledge. 

   Modern advances in computer technology had as a result a rapid improvement in the ability of visually impaired people to access information. Consequently with the constant development of special applications in computer software and hardware, blind or partially sighted people have finally the opportunity to use a computer not only to write and process simple text but also to "read" (through voice and touch) every written document, as long as this document is available in electronic format. Electronic content thus receives added value due to its special use by people with visual impairment, and its availability, either locally or through the Internet, initiates hopes for a total elimination of the exclusion of people with sight problems from knowledge and information. But on the other hand this substantiates a crucial need for the e-content's availability and accessibility. 

   The above issues will be the main subject of the presentations and discussion during the morning session of the conference, while the evening session will contain presentations of the results and conclusions of the ACCELERATE project.