Other User Categories

  Obligatory papers Items Loan Period Renewals  Fines3
Administration Personnel and Special Technical Lab Personnel
  • Application
  • Demonstration of the employment contract or any other official paper which certifies the working relationship with the University
3  from Main Collection + 2 Literature 14 days
5 times by telephone, via internet, or 2 with the books present for 14 days

  • 0,50 euros for every item and for each day of delay
Research Personnel
  • Application
  • Demonstration of the employment contract or any other official paper which certifies the working relationship with the University
5  from Main Collection 14 days 5 times by telephone, via internet, or 2 with the books present for 14 days
  • 0,50 euros for every item and for each day of delay
Qualification Programs1
  • Application
  • Demonstration of Identity card
  • The card is valid until the end of the programme
3  from Main Collection 14 days 5 times by telephone, via internet, or 2 with the books present for 14 days
  • 0,50 euros for every item and for each day of delay
  • 0,05 euros for every hour and every item borrowed from the reference collection (max. 3 hours)
Administration Services Application from the director of the administration service
20 from Main Collection

360 days2 5 times by telephone, via internet, or 2 with the books present for 360 days
  • 0,50 euros, only in case the item is due after it has been recalled from the Library
Technical Services Application from the director of the technical service 40 from Main Collection 360 days2 5 times by telephone, via internet, or 2 with the books present for 360 days
  • 0,50 euros, only in case the item is due after it has been recalled from the Library
Laboratories / Projects
Application from the director of the Laboratory / Project
40  from Main Collection + Literature

360 days2 5 times by telephone, via internet, or 2 with the books present for 360 days
  • 0,50 euros, only in case the item is due after it has been recalled from the Library
Cooperated Libraries Memorandum of cooperation between the two Libraries
20  from Main Collection

28 days once by telephone for 28 days
  • 0,50 euros for every item and for each day of delay

 1 A full list with the names of the participants in the Qualification Programme must be provided from the Qualification Programmes Office to the Circulation Department.

2 The Library holds the right to request from these categories to return the material they borrowed after the expiration of the academic year, for inventory reasons.

3 Find all relevant information on the payment methods

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