This application is valid only for non-affiliated members of the University.

The application form for the members of the University is located at the following link Registration form for the University members

Please fill-in the form with CAPITAL letters.

EVERY form field is required

To complete your registration you will have to come to the Library from the next working day and within one month with an official identity document (e.g. passport), your academic identity card (if applicable) and one small photograph (2.5x2.5 cm).

Apart from the above:

In case you are registering as an undergraduate student of a public university, you have to demonstrate your academic ID. For the holders of unemployment cards, they are required to demonstrate a printout of the OAED page, where it is verified their state of unemployment.

In order to use the Library's loan service, you will have to always have with you the card that will be issued to you by the Library

In order to activate your Library Card without coming to the Library, you can send us in a digital form all the necessary documents for your registration and also the bank deposit receipt of your subscription payment at the email

I accept the following terms: By completing and submitting this form, I declare that I have understood my rights and obligations based on the Library's Loan Policy and of the personal data processing policy and I request that you register me as a Library member, in order to have the right to use the Library's loan services.