Dear university members,
our library acquired the perpetual access through proxy server of 11 ebook titles from the Proquest Ebook Central collection, for 1 user/loan.
The titles are the following:
▪️Lifelong Learning for Capability
▪️Artificial Intelligence for Learning : Using AI and Generative AI to Support Learner Development
▪️A Cultural History of Serbia : Tradition and Change
▪️Handbook of Research on Competence-Based Curriculum and E-Learning in Higher Education
▪️The Oxford Handbook of Foreign Policy Analysis
▪️Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, Global Edition
▪️Blueprints Visual Scripting for Unreal Engine 5 : Unleash the True Power of Blueprints to Create Impressive Games and Applications in UE5
▪️The Routledge Handbook of European Integrations
▪️Mastering the Lightning Network
▪️Readings for a History of Anthropological Theory, Sixth Edition
▪️Causal Inference : The Mixtape
You can search and find all these titles in our online catalog and from the metada you can click on "click here to access online" link.
Access is free from all the computers inside the Library and the University of Macedonia and it's controlled by their IP addresses. All the members of the University Community can access remotely the ebooks from the University's internal network, as long as they obtain an e-mail account and a password from the Computer Centre and follow the remote access guidelines.
▪️You can read the books online, you can save or print part of them or you can borrow them for up to 14 days, after you create an account (Sign in --> Create an account). Using your institutional account is optional.
▪️1 user per time can borrow the book, which means that the ebook is not accessible simultaneously by a 2nd user
▪️There is a possibility of placing a hold on each borrowed book. A notification will be sent when the book will become available again.