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Title: TRAVAIL Database of Conditions of Work and Employment Laws
Creator: ILO
International Labour Organization

Description: The Database provides a picture of the regulatory environment of working time, minimum wages and maternity protection in more than 100 countries around the world. It contains comprehensive legal information, which allows you to conduct customized research on a specific country, to compare the legislation of several countries or regions on a particular subject or to perform searches by text. For selected issues, a historical comparison is possible.

en_tree: Society and Culture -- Law
Resource Type: Data bases
Mediator: Free
Audience: Undergraduate
General Interest
Geographical Coverage: Διεθνής
Subject: Employment
Minimum Wage
Flexible Hours of Work
Προστασία της Μητρότητας
Maternity Protection
Reduced Hours of Work
Ωράριο Εργασίας
Αγορά Εργασίας
Date Of Record Release: 2013-07-22 13:58:03
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED

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