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Title: Focus on Europe
Creator: MEDIA Salles
Publisher: MEDIA Salles

Description: In the framework of MEDIA Promotion, MEDIA Salles has organized a series of events under the "Focus on Europe" heading, promoting European products and fostering the awareness of Europe's cinema cultures at the most important professional meetings of cinema exhibitors in the major world markets

Aims of "Focus on Europe" are:

spreading information on recent European films
giving higher visibility to European films
facilitating contacts among professionals
making available statistical data on European film industry
offering opportunities to debate the role of European cinema on the global market
fostering the awareness of Europe's cinema cultures

en_tree: Creative Arts
Creative Arts -- Performing Arts -- Performing Arts, n.e.c.
Resource Type: Data bases
Mediator: Free
Audience: Undergraduate
General Interest
Language: English
Format: Bibliographical Resource
Chronological Coverage: Μη διαθέσιμη
Geographical Coverage: Διεθνής
Subject: Ταινίες Κινουμένων Σχεδίων
Ταινίες Μεγάλου Μήκους
Cartoon Films
Κινηματογραφικές Ταινίες
Motion Pictures Theaters
Motion Pictures
Date Of Record Release: 2006-12-20 09:51:46
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED

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