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Thematic index:
Complementary Therapies (23)

Dental Studies (22)

Medical Studies (250)

Nursing (21)

Optical Science (19)

Other Health (21)

Pharmacy (24)

Public Health (19)

Radiography (11)

Rehabilitation Therapies (20)

Veterinary Studies (24)

Elsevier ScienceDirect Full Record
ScienceDirect is one of the largest electronic collection of science, technology and medicine full text and bibliographic information. It offers a wide variety of features and content. ScienceDirec...
Emerald Insight Full Record
Over 170 titles in the fields of management, information science and engineering. To access the database you need to use the University's IP range.
eScholarship Full Record
eScholarship provides a suite of open access, scholarly publishing services and research tools that enable departments, research units, publishing programs, and individual scholars associated with the...
Essential Science Indicators Full Record
Essential Science Indicators is a unique compilation of performance statistics and trends extrapolated from counts of articles published in scholarly journals and the citations to those articles.
Europa: η δικτυακή πύλη της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης Full Record
The EU has created a portal to offer access to its own Activities, Institutions, Documents and Services. It organises the provided information under the following subject themes: Agriculture ...
Federal Government and Statistical Agencies Full Record
The gateway to statistics from over 100 U.S. Federal agencies (e.g. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Agricultural Statistics Service, National Center for Educational S...
FindArticles Full Record
FindArticles has articles from thousands of resources, with archives dating back to 1984. The publications and subjects are organized by major categories: Arts & Entertainment, Automotive, Business &...
Free Access Journals - High Wire Full Record
A division of the Stanford University Libraries, HighWire Press hosts the largest repository of high impact, peer-reviewed content, with 1023 journals and 4,141,687 full text articles from over 130 sc...
Free Medical Journals Full Record
Over the next few years, many important medical journals will be available online, free and in full-text. The unrestricted access to scientific knowledge will have a major impact on medical practice. ...
GENE-TOX Full Record
TOXNET (TOXicology Data NETwork) is a cluster of databases covering toxicology, hazardous chemicals, environmental health and related areas. It is managed by the Toxicology and Environmental Health In...
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