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Thematic index:
Aerospace Engineering and Technology (9)

Automotive Engineering and Technology (8)

Civil Engineering (8)

Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Technology (82)

Geomatic Engineering (8)

Manufacturing Engineering and Technology (9)

Maritime Engineering and Technology (8)

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Technology (10)

Other Engineering and Related Technologies (10)

Process and Resources Engineering (10)

ACM Digital Library Full Record
The ACM DL is a vast collection of citations and full text from ACM journal and newsletter articles and conference proceedings. Citations consist of title, author, publication data, and, when availab...
Blackwell Synergy Full Record
Blackwell Synergy is the online journals service from Blackwell Publishing. It holds the full-text articles of over 850 journals, the majority of which are published by Blackwell on behalf of internat...
Cambridge Core Full Record
Cambridge Core is the new academic platform from Cambridge University Press, replacing previous platforms; Cambridge Journals Online (CJO), Cambridge Books Online (CBO), University Publishing Online (...
Dimensions Full Record
A database that offers the most comprehensive collection of linked data in a single platform; from grants, publications, datasets and clinical trials to patents and policy documents. Because Dimensio...
DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals Full Record
The aim of the Directory of Open Access Journals is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals thereby promoting their increased usage and impact. ...
Elsevier ScienceDirect Full Record
ScienceDirect is one of the largest electronic collection of science, technology and medicine full text and bibliographic information. It offers a wide variety of features and content. ScienceDirec...
Emerald Insight Full Record
Over 170 titles in the fields of management, information science and engineering. To access the database you need to use the University's IP range.
Energy Citations Database Full Record
OSTI delivers research results from the U.S. Department of Energy. At OSTI, you can search vast collections of DOE research results, find out about ongoing research projects, explore significant DOE d...
eScholarship Full Record
eScholarship provides a suite of open access, scholarly publishing services and research tools that enable departments, research units, publishing programs, and individual scholars associated with the...
Essential Science Indicators Full Record
Essential Science Indicators is a unique compilation of performance statistics and trends extrapolated from counts of articles published in scholarly journals and the citations to those articles.
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