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Subject is Environmental Safety
Results 1 - 7 of 7
GreenFILE Full Record
GreenFILE offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global war...
DSI Global Environmental Database Full Record
Environmental Statistics
Οικοσκόπιο Full Record
Μια νέα ηλεκτρονική διαδικτυακή εφαρμογή, η οποία σχεδιάστηκε και αναπτύχθηκε με στόχο την οργάνωση και συγκ...
Europa: η δικτυακή πύλη της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης Full Record
The EU has created a portal to offer access to its own Activities, Institutions, Documents and Services. It organises the provided information under the following subject themes: Agriculture ...
Dokumentation Natur und Landschaft - DNL online Full Record
A Bibliographic database for the nature. It contains more than 120.000 records, where monographs, articles and books, conference proceedings, gray literature, audiovisual material and internet docume...
Νόμος και Φύση Full Record
The civil non-profit society Nomos+Physis specializes in the fields of law, institutions and policy for environmental protection and sustainable development. Its mission is to contribute to the develo...
Health and Safety Science Abstracts Full Record
The database provides the latest perspectives on topics of widespread concern such as aviation and aerospace safety, environmental safety, nuclear safety, medical safety occupational safety, and ergon...
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