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Subject is Στατιστικές
Results 11 - 20 of 20
NUMDAM Full Record
In order to support mathematical journals, the NUMDAM program has set up free access to bibliographical data and articles of french mathematical journals. For each journal, all the volumes publishe...
ILOSTAT Full Record
Data and metadata for over 200 countries or territories from LABORSTA, an International Labour Office database on labour statistics operated by the ILO Bureau of Statistics
OECD International Direct Investment Statistics Full Record
Driven by technological change, global competition and the ongoing liberalisation of markets, international direct investment plays a key role in the process of global economic integration. This datab...
United Nations Statistical Databases Full Record
The Statistics Division is committed to the advancement of the global statistical system. Compiles and disseminates global statistical information, develops standards and norms for statistical activit...
Global Health Observatory Full Record
The WHOSIS (World Health Organization Statistical Information System) is the guide to health and health-related epidemiological and statistical information available from the World Health Organization...
Trade and Tariff Data Full Record
Statistical data in pdf and excel files on international trade from the World Trade Organization.
DSI Data Service & Information Full Record
A collection of statistical data.
Eurostat Database Full Record
Eurostat's online statistical database organising all available statistic time series under subject indexes.
ΕΛΣΤΑΤ Full Record
The National Statistical Service of Greece is a General Secretariat of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The statistics compiled by the NSSG – monthly, trimestrial, annual, quinquennial and decen...
UNESCO Institute for Statistics Full Record
UNESCO Institute of Statistics. Global and internationally comparable statistics on education, science, technology, culture and communication.
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