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Subject is Συνθέτες
Results 1 - 6 of 6
Choral Wiki Full Record
The Choral Public Domain Library (CPDL), specializes in choral music and has approximately 22861 choral and vocal works by at least 2713 composers. Apart from scores, you can find lyrics, translations...
mfiles Full Record
It's purpose is to supply a range of free services to people interested in music, with a particular focus on Classical Music, Traditional Music and Film Music. We provide free sheet music for many ins...
Μεγάλη Μουσική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδας Λίλιαν Βουδούρη Full Record
The Music Library of Greece “Lilian Voudouri” was created by the Friends of Music Society to meet the needs of all Greek music lovers. It makes available – for the first time in Greece – a lar...
The Beethoven Gateway Full Record
The Beethoven Bibliography Database is a project that unites the continuing interest in the life and works of Ludwig van Beethoven with the advantages of computer technology and the Internet. The Data...
Aria database Full Record
The Aria Database is a collection of information about opera and operatic arias. Besides providing basic information about each aria, the Database includes translations for many arias and aria texts f...
Operissimo Full Record
A database about the opera. It includes references and analytical data for composers, artists, music halls per country.
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