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Subject is Πολιτική Τέχνη
Results 1 - 5 of 5
The Economist: Historical Archive 1843-2014 Full Record
The Economist Historical Archive 1843-2014 ('EHA') is the fully searchable complete facsimile edition of The Economist, the weekly paper which is essential reading for anyone engaged in politics, curr...
Ινστιτούτο Δημοκρατίας Κωνσταντίνος Καραμανλής (ΙΔΚΚ) Full Record
The Constantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy (CKID) was established in January 1998. A non-profit organization, the Institute was founded for the purpose of examining and analyzing social, poli...
IPSAportal Full Record
IPSAportal is the portal of the International Political Science Association and an official online IPSA publication. Hundreds of useful, rich and qualitatively outstanding websites for political scien...
Art Index Retrospective Full Record
Art Index Retrospective allows users to search 55 years of art journalism at a keystroke. Users can research leading English-language sources, plus others published in French, Italian, German, Spanish...
Project MUSE Full Record
Project MUSE is a unique collaboration between libraries and publishers providing 100% full-text, affordable and user-friendly online access to over 300 high quality humanities, arts, and social scien...
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