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Subject is Political History
Results 1 - 6 of 6
The Economist: Historical Archive 1843-2014 Full Record
The Economist Historical Archive 1843-2014 ('EHA') is the fully searchable complete facsimile edition of The Economist, the weekly paper which is essential reading for anyone engaged in politics, curr...
eScholarship Full Record
eScholarship provides a suite of open access, scholarly publishing services and research tools that enable departments, research units, publishing programs, and individual scholars associated with the...
U.S. Declassified Documents Online Full Record
The Declassified Documents Reference System provides online access to over 600,000 pages of previously classified US government documents (CIA, FBI, NSA, NATO, Department of Justice, State Department,...
IPSAportal Full Record
IPSAportal is the portal of the International Political Science Association and an official online IPSA publication. Hundreds of useful, rich and qualitatively outstanding websites for political scien...
CIA World Factbook Full Record
The World Factbook is prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency and it contains important information on all countries. The information is on the population, geography, economy, etc. It also include...
Historical Abstracts Full Record
Historical Abstracts are organized by region and guide through the history of the world since 1450, allowing to browse chronologies and brief summaries of significant events and themes in world histo...
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