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Subject is Forestry
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DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals Full Record
The aim of the Directory of Open Access Journals is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals thereby promoting their increased usage and impact. ...
Blackwell Synergy Full Record
Blackwell Synergy is the online journals service from Blackwell Publishing. It holds the full-text articles of over 850 journals, the majority of which are published by Blackwell on behalf of internat...
Europa: η δικτυακή πύλη της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης Full Record
The EU has created a portal to offer access to its own Activities, Institutions, Documents and Services. It organises the provided information under the following subject themes: Agriculture ...
ΕΘΙΑΓΕ - Ελληνική Δασοπονία και Φυσικό Περιβάλλον Full Record
The records refer to publications, which were publicised during the period 1925-1995 at several media (books, journals, periodicals etc.) in Greece and abroad. All the data were inserted in the specif...
Urban Forestry Database Full Record
Bibliographic database which indexes publications relating to the history of urban forestry; urban forest legislation; the benefits of urban forests; selection and planting of trees; maintenance of th...
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