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Creator is ILO
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Employment Protection Legislation Database Full Record
EPLex provides information on all the key topics that are regularly examined in national and comparative studies on employment termination legislation. EPLex replaces the ILO's existing Digest on Term...
TRAVAIL Database of Conditions of Work and Employment Laws Full Record
The Database provides a picture of the regulatory environment of working time, minimum wages and maternity protection in more than 100 countries around the world. It contains comprehensive legal infor...
NATLEX Full Record
NATLEX, the database of national labour, social security and related human rights legislation maintained by the ILO's International Labour Standards Department. Records in NATLEX provide abstracts of ...
ILOSTAT Full Record
Data and metadata for over 200 countries or territories from LABORSTA, an International Labour Office database on labour statistics operated by the ILO Bureau of Statistics
Labordoc Full Record
Labordoc is the ILO Digital Repository where hundreds of thousands of ILO books, journal articles, reports, working papers, and more are available online. ILO Publications: Books, reports, guid...
NORMLEX Full Record
NORMLEX is a new information system which brings together information on International Labour Standards (such as ratification information, reporting requirements, comments of the ILO's supervisory bod...
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